Predator - Beast of Dartmoor:
The first investigation takes the team (Bill, Austin, and Chi-Lan) to the United Kingdom for a cryptid case of what looks like a black lion running across a field. The theories behind this animal is that it was a dog, a pony, or an actual lion. I think the coolest part of this investigation was that they actually got to use real animals with a green screen to test the theory. When using the same background from the video in question (taken from the actual location), they could superimpose the actual animals to see how it matches. I could definitely see why people would think it could be any of those animals and it most certainly looks just like a black lion, although those animals are said to not exist. When you see the lion running, it really does match up the best; the other animals just don't compare to the speed and agility of the animal in the video. In the last part of the investigation, the team checks the landscape for their own clues and finds an animal torn to shreds, clearly by something large. After watching the investigation and reading up online, it does seem possible that it is some type of large cat that has not yet been categorized.
Side note: my favorite part has to be Ben's reaction to the lion roaring...classic.
Red Sky at Night:
The other team (Bill, Jael, and Larry) travel to El Cajon, California where a video was taken of mysterious lights in the sky in a triangular shape, which suddenly go out one-by-one and disappear all together. The official report was that it was Chinese lanterns floating in the sky. The other two theories was that it was some kind of aircraft and weather balloons. The first test the team proposes is using Chinese lanterns, although their lanterns quickly catch on fire before catching much air. The fact that the lights in the video keep a specific distance and the height that they are seen make it obvious that it can't be lanterns as reported. For the second test, the team attaches LCD lights in a triangular shape to the bottom of a helicopter. While the replication looks perfect, its the sound that doesn't match up. The report from the videographer and other eyewitnesses is that there was no sound coming from the "craft." Even at a great distance, the sound is clearly there both from the ground observation and through the video. The last test used weather balloons with flares attached. When you compare the experiment video to the video in question, the match is perfect. Larry calls it a hoax without question.
Side note: favorite part of this investigation was Larry's awesome blue blazer!
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