Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Maggie, Part 4

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Continuation of a fictional story based on some of the author's favorite TV personalities and actual events...

Callae, one the Stanley's staff members and who called the teams to the hotel, checked in on the investigations.  She happened to arrive while Ben, Bill, and Lanisha were discussing the strange voice they recorded and played it back for her before returning to the room.  "Do you mind if I stick around and watch through the monitors?" she asked.  Ben responded, "Of course not, we may need all the help we can get with this case."  

Ben and Lanisha returned to the room while Bill and Callae watched for any anomalies on the cameras.  What the team didn't know was that they had a third helper, Maggie, guarding the area and ready to help however she could.  As soon as Ben settled on the bed for another EVP session, he felt lightheaded and short of breath.

"It's happening again."
"Do you feel sick?"
"Sort of but this time I'm finding it hard to breathe.  I feel like I should leave again but I don't want to give in to this."

Maggie could feel the man's prescence and the overwhelming feeling of dread and dispair.  Why are you doing this? she thought.  And suddenly, she heard a male voice respond, I hated life and all that it brought.  Others need to be warned.  Maggie discovered that spirits could communicate each other; not with voice but with thought, emotion, and the surrounding natural energy.  Maggie knew she had to help and she also knew that Callae had more information than she realized.  It was perfect that Callae came to join so that Maggie could help her fit the pieces together.  It only took one lost soul to disturb the hotel's peaceful history. 

It came out of no where for Callae.  As she watched Ben struggle to keep his cool in the room, she realized that this was no ordinary experience and there was only one extraordinary occurance at the hotel since she had worked there.   

"Bill, a man named John committed suicide in the hotel last year.  He smothered himself with a pillow and was found lying on the floor of his room.  All of this could be because of him."  Bill sat back and contemplated this idea.  Could it really be just that simple?  After thinking back to the experiences, Bill agreed. "The picture, the heavy breathing, the unpleasant feelings, what Ben is experiencing, and even the 'help him' could all be related.  It makes sense."

Maggie had helped; she had connected with Callae in a brand new way that allowed her to share thoughts, almost like telekinesis.  It worked and Maggie felt optimism that they could now help John.  However, this made him even more angry and eager to share his anger.

Bill and Callae joined the other two and Callae explained what had happened.  The team agreed to call the TAPS members and formulate a plan of how to handle the case.  Jason and Grant arrived quickly and decided that this case had become more about collecting evidence but about resolving the haunting.  Since Lanisha and Ben had already experienced the spirits that were present, Jason asked them to be in the room with he and Grant. 

"If someone is in the room with us, show us a sign of your presence" demanded Jason.  Suddenly the team heard a series of words they could not make out; a whispering loud enough to hear but not clear enough to understand.  Jason replied in a stern voice, "If that is you, make yourself known."  Without pause, the table Grant was sitting at suddenly lifted off the floor!  Stunned by the experience, Grant stood up, almost knocking his chair over, and stared at the table which was now almost two feet in front of him.  Ben, as shocked as Grant, slowly muttered "I've never seen anything like that."  "I have" answered Grant and Jason in unison. Jason continued, "We've experienced malacious spirits who have not found happiness and need help, even when they don't think they need help."

Maggie's new experiences taught her that she could intervene and help in a way she never understood until now.  She could interact with the living through touch, sound, thought, and with positive energy.  She grew up believing that good always won over evil and she now believed that spirits could battle in the afterlife. 

Is that your name? John? Maggie asked to begin her communication.  And is that what happened to you?  Silence filled the space between them. John, you have to believe me when I tell you, you don't have to be this way.  This existence can be very pleasent for you, if you let it.  What happened was horrible but it is time to move on.

NO! Shouted John.  I don't WANT pleasentness, I don't WANT to be nice.  Don't pretend to be my friend, I DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS! 

The lightbulb in the lamp next to Lanisha burst, creating a flash of light in the room.  This should have startled Lanisha, as it did everyone else in the room; however, she sat in complete calmness, something she couldn't quite explain to herself.  "I think he is pissed off that we are even wanting to help him." 

"Help him" is all Maggie managed to produce that the room could hear.  "Did you hear that?"  Asked Grant.  Everyone in the room answered "Yes" in soft, stunned voices.  "What do we need to do?" Ben questioned. 

"We need to help him" answered Lanisha.

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