Saturday, December 24, 2011

Maggie, part 3

Part 1
Part 2

Continuation of a fictional story based on some of the author's favorite TV personalities and actual events...

Bill offered to conduct the first EVP session while Ben watched the video camera feed in headquarters.  If Bill had any problems or needed help, Ben could see and assist when necessary.  He could also be a second set of ears to listen for anything out of the ordinary.

While Bill and Ben investigated, Lanisha talked to Austin, Jael, and Devin back at the "Situation Room" in Los Angeles, where the Fact or Faked team met to research potential investigations.  She had emailed the photos to the rest of the team so that they were able to take a look at them before talking to her.  "I don't know if you would consider this good news or bad but we cannot figure out what is in this picture!" explained Jael.  "We all agreed on one thing" added Austin "we wish we could be there with you!"  Nodding his head, Devin agreed, "Since the picture was taken in the same room with the same result without explanation, we believe the original photo was not faked and seems to be something paranormal.  Be safe out there!"  Before she hung up, Lanisha  commented "Thanks everyone for your help, I hope tonight's investigation yields even better results to share with you!"

Bill sat quietly in the room, letting his eyes and ears adjust to the darkness and the natural sounds around him.  He could hear a soft hum, which he determined was coming from the TV in the room.  He also noticed that light shadows could be seen passing through the room as people walked by outside.  He could also hear people talking as they walked by, some sounding like faint whispers while other conversations could be heard as if they were in the room.  He reported all of these to Ben so that he also knew what would be "normal" in the room and took mental notes in order to find the paranormal; in other words, what was not normal.

Maggie knew what Bill was doing and let him settle in.  She wanted to help the poor guy who had committed suicide but wasn't sure what to do.  But then Bill asked out loud, "Is anyone here with me?"  Of course!  She thought, he is trying to talk to someone!  If she could just tell him what the sad soul needed, maybe Bill could help.  Problem was, she didn't know what he needed.  If he could find his peace, maybe he could share this wonderful world she now enjoyed instead of the torment he seemed to endure. 

Bill continued to ask questions but Maggie did not know how to actual talk in order for him to hear her.  Then suddenly another spirit was there.  Bill asked, "Do you like it here at the Stanley?"  Maggie could feel the other spirit's energy rise, almost pulsate, enough to produce "Love."  She could tell from the energy the female spirit produced that she had fallen in love and eventually married her love at the hotel.  Bill didn't seem to hear her but Maggie remembered that spirits "voices" could sometimes be heard later on a recording.

Bill stopped asking questions, feeling that he was not getting a response but was looking forward to hearing the recording for any EVPs.  He had not experienced anything paranormal and was ready to switch with another investigator.  The team checked in and Lanisha explained what Austin, Jael, and Devin had told her.  Bill also reported his initial sweep of the room with the normal sights and sounds.  Bill stated, "Clearly something is going on here between both of your experiences and the photo being reproduced.  Let's keep going with our investigation and hopefully we'll find something as evidence of a haunting here."  The team agreed and split again, this time with Lanisha and Ben in the room and Bill monitering.

This time Maggie was determined to communicate; she had to if she was going to help.  She witnessed the other spirit and hoped she could do the same.  As soon as Lanisha entered the room, Maggie felt she had the energy needed.   Their earlier connection seemed to have heightened the energy between them.  She then realized that if her energy was strengthened by interaction, then the same must be true for the angry spirit because of how he made Ben feel earlier.  She had to act fast.

"Is there anyone here with us?" asked Lanisha.  Maggie didn't waste time with introductions: "Help him" she replied.  "Did you hear that?" Ben asked with enthusiasm.  "Yes!  It sounded like 'help him'" answered Lanisha.  They immediately rewound the tape to hear if what they heard was correct and they were excited to hear the same answer in the recording.  Ben wondered if this could really be happening.  "Let's see if Bill hears what we hear and it's not just us getting excited over a sound that can be explained naturally." 

"What do you hear after our question?" asked Lanisha of Bill.  "I don't know why this would be the case since you asked a simple yes-or-no question but, to me, it sounds like, "help him."  "That is what we heard!"  Both investigators said in unison.  Maggie became frustrated.  She desperately wanted them to actually help, not ponder over this quick interaction.  But luckily for all of the team members, they were excited to get back and listen for more.  Lanisha pondered outloud, "I wonder what it meant, 'help him'?  Help who?"  "Let's get back and find out!" Ben answered with excitement.

Part 4

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